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The Ultimate Digital Product Playbook Reveals How Entrepreneurs Are Using The Rapid XceL Formula To 6X Their Earnings For More Wealth, More Time and More Freedom

How I brought my husband home, without being a digital product expert or sacrificing the family

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Anyone Can Use This Same Strategy To Launch A Fulfilling Profitable Business In Less Than 14 Days

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Why The Buzz About Digital Products?

From the books we read to the courses we take, digital products are everywhere. And they are reshaping the way we live, learn, and earn.

Which is why it’s a $350 billion dollar industry that is growing to $1 trillion in the next 5 - 7 years.

And the real benefits of having a digital product business? The freedom to work from anywhere, the flexibility to set your schedule, and the potential for passive income—meaning you earn money even when you're not actively working. Imagine taking a day off or even taking a vacation and coming back to find you've made sales. That's the power of digital products.

What's the Rapid XceL Formula?

The Rapid XceL Formula is a simplified formula that allows you to earn up to 6 different ways on one product and it's what allows you to build a thriving business digital business.

For most business owners, just earning once seems like a dream come true, but when you have a digital business that utilizes the Rapid XceL Formula, I show you how to earn up to 6 different ways off of your same product.

And this, my friend, is how I earned 7 figures in 18 months.

The Ultimate Digital Product Playbook Is A Shortcut.

It's like having a cheat sheet that holds all the answers for your test. Before I created this system, I was a struggling entrepreneur spending 12 hour days trying to figure out how to have an online business, but I was doing it all wrong.

My husband was the one that was working and I quit my college degreed career to stay home and school our 3 daughters.

We would talk frequently about "when we finally could get freedom" but we didn't know how to make it happen.

My husband was in Corporate America working endless hours, traveling weekly and working hard so someone else could have freedom.

But all along, I had this burning desire to become an entrepreneur. So I set out to do that but lost more hours with my family, lost myself in the mix and was just about ready to throw in the towel...


I decided to do the opposite of everything that I had ever done before. I decided to stop being conventional in my approach and to create something that I knew everyone needed.

After 4 years of trial and error and massive testing, I developed the Rapid XceL Formula and used it to launch my first digital product.

Within 18 months, I hit my first 7 figures. Every year after that I hit another 7 figures and I've never looked back.

I've brought my husband home. I taught our daughters how to use this formula and I've worked with over 5,232 students showing them how to do this.

And now, I'm making taking all that I learned, and I've put it into a short 50 page book called "The Ultimate Digital Playbook"

How I Grew A Multi-7 Figure Digital Product Business Ignoring Conventional Wisdom, Breaking ALL The Rules and Turning The Traditional Model Upside Down On it's Head

Discover the Blueprint That's Rewriting the Rules of Wealth: The Ultimate Digital Product Blueprint. Imagine a Strategy So Unique, So Powerful, That It Stands Alone. This is Your Invitation To Read My Story Below and How I Did This From My Kitchen Table...

Until I recognized the hidden patterns that were causing my digital business to fail, (Page 2), my business was stuck and not growing. You see, so many coaches will skip over this and jump to the end, but if you do this…you won’t win.  This is how I finally was able to go from $30,000/year to $4,882 my first month to $50,138.97 and my third month was $47,701.40.


You should be.

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet 🙂

So Let Me Prove It To You


But first, read this disclaimer:

I have the benefit of studying under the top digital marketing coaches out there.  Additionally, I’ve also had so many mistakes that experience became my teacher.  That combined, taught me more than my marketing degree from college.  And now today, I’ve consulted with over 5,200+ entrepreneurs helping them to personally launch, scale and multiply their results. Most of the ones that come to me are beginners.
You see, the average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results.

The reasons being are…

- They don’t do the work
- They get distracted with shiny object syndrome
- They get into fear
- They get into indecision
- They forgot there was a goal at the end and they start focusing on easier “life tasks”, like the laundry.

And sometimes…

The training isn’t strong enough to take you to where you want to be.

Yeah.. it can happen

I’ve had the benefit of running my business for many years now.

The reality is, you’re results will vary and depend on the factors mentioned above. You also need to know that all businesses entail risks as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept this, please DO NOT GET THIS BOOK.

And yes, it took me time, energy, mistakes and sacrifice to develop the skill that was needed to launch and scale my business.

With that said.. If you’re the kind of person that says, “No, I’m going to show up for myself, my family and for my future, then let me show you what I did.

I Did It By Using A Counter Intuitive System Called the Rapid XceL Formula That I’m About To Share With You On This Very Page…

This Rapid XceL Formula allows you to use the 6x Multiplier which means you now have the opportunity to earn up to 6 different ways off of one sale. This is the way that digital entrepreneurs are achieving their dream lifestyles so quickly.


...because it allows you to grow (scale) their businesses faster than ever before...


… and when you put it together with proven digital strategies, it saves you precious time, so you can focus on your “other goals” and not the grind.


Which means, you can avoid the burnout and embrace the results.

Just Like Kim, Who Used My System 2 Years Ago And Said Good-bye To Her 27 Year Career And Just Bought Her Dream Home

I taught Kim how to use the Rapid XceL Formula to launch,  scale  and automate her digital product business.  In her first 9 months, she earned her first 6 figures and quit her daytime job. Today, she just purchased her husband’s and her dream home that has a private air strip.

And Kim isn’t the only one either…

This Is Judy, Another Rapid XceL Formula User Who I Also Helped Her Create A Digital Product.

...By taking her skill and applying this formula, Judy created a digital product that took her from a homeschooling mom to a digital product pro. All from the comfort of her kitchen table!


Wanna meet another one?

Meet Kimberly,  Who Created Her Own Digital Product And Set Up A Legacy Business For Her and Her Son To Do Together!  


Kim, Judy, And Kimberly Are Part Of A New Wave Of Business Owners Who Are Doing Things Differently…

…This is something completely different, because…

  • We don’t focus on cheap growth hacks that aren’t sustainable
  • We don’t focus on selling but rather serving
  • We don’t focus on gimmicks that aren’t scaleable.
  • We don’t focus on fluffy training that doesn’t teach you a skill.
  • We don’t focus on creating a bunch of offers trying to earn a little

In fact: we rarely (if ever) need to launch new offers because if you launch the right offer, it works for a really long time! 


Here's What's Included In The Book

Three Habits That Will Spell Disaster for Your Business:

Avoid these three destructive actions that are guaranteed to  compromise your business's future prosperity.

(All explained on page 2)…

Reverse Mapping:

A strategic blueprint from mapping your pathway from dream to reality.

(All explained on page 8)…

The Anatomy of an Offer:

Four stages of developing winning offers that will last for years.

(All explained on page 11)…

Unlocking Abundance:

Two golden keys to scale your digital wealth (all the pros are doing this).

(All explained on page 19)…

Blueprints to Victory:

Discover the craft behind successful digital offers.

(All explained on page 22)…

The Path of Prosperity:

Most small business owners skip these nine critical phases of a digital offer but these steps are the ticket to more time, freedom and wealth.

(All explained on page 23)…

Crafting Your Success Story:

Choosing a winning digital offer is not just about what you want, it's about choosing what your buyer wants.

(All explained on page 24)…

How To Break The Invisible Chains:

Identify the safety systems that are robbing you of your future.

(All explained on page 27)…

From Zero To Hero:

No Idea? No Problem: See how thousands are crafting tailor-made digital products together even without a genius zone.

(All explained on page 36)…

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Instead, We Use The Rapid XceL Formula…which is using the 6x Multiplier to earn up to 6 different ways off of one product.

Like I said…

This is something that is completely different which means it has the power to change everything for you…

And I know it’s true…

Because it changed everything for me.

The Rapid Xcel Formula allowed me to stop hustling with no results and it set me free from…

>> Having to continually come up with another offer just to stay ahead

>> Sacrificing my family time, being on 24/7 and feeling like my laptop/phone owned me

>> Imposture syndrome and feeling like I never quite knew the answer to what I was supposed to be doing

>> Being stuck in frustration because the dream always seemed elusive

The Rapid XceL Formula Set Me Free From All Of That And Created A Lifestyle That Allows Me To Work From Where I Want, When I Want, And With Whom I Want.

And take my family on the 30 day long European trips that we’ve come to love

What would that be like for you?

"Wealth is the ability to fully experience life." —Henry David Thoreau

With that in mind….

The process for the average person starting a digital business typically looks like this…


Step 1 - See an influencer, get excited and grab the opportunity.

Step 2 - Quickly realize that something isn’t right between what they’re saying and your experience

Step 3 - Realize that you’ve never run this type of business before and there seems to be a lot of missing gaps.

Step 4 - Starts to think, “I must need a website, branding, posting more and more” and the lure of the promise causes hard earned money and time to be spent with still no results

Step 5 - Start to go into a posting frenzy learning all the latest apps and  now instead of being present with your family, the common phrase has become, “Shhh…I’m working right now.”

Step 6 - You finally land a client! Sure it’s your sister’s friend’s mom, but that doesn’t matter! However, the amount of hours it took to make it happen means the payout broke down to $1.13/hour, but hey…at least you got one!

Step 7 - Wish that you weren’t like everyone else selling the same thing and you secretly start googling how to create an offer that’s different than everyone else. Hello shiny object syndrome

Step 8 - Self doubt starts to creep in and there’s no one around to help talk about how to make this happen.

Step 9 - You go back to the influencer and study what they’re doing, again, which causes feelings of failure and confusion to grow.

Step 10 - The whole thing starts to fizzle out when the emotions become too much; the heart just isn’t into it any more and all that you put into it is wasted

Step 11 - Start over


No one has ever told you how to make this happen.

And until you know the answer, this cycle is going to repeat itself…over and over and over.

Which is why the Ultimate Digital Product Playbook is a disrupter in the industry.

Because it gives you a play by play action plan on how to launch your digital product…fast!

You see, I remember what this was like.

I was working 12 hour days while my children stood at my see through double french doors mouthing to me that they were hungry and I nodded back in agreement. Except I was so determined to make this business work, that I really had no intention of leaving that desk until I had some success that day.

The problem was…the success that I was “thinking” was going to come, never actually came.

So the days of “working turned into 10 - 12 hour days because after all… this was for the family.  Right?

8 months later…

My youngest daughter comes to me and says, “Mommy, I love you. I know you’re working really hard for us, but I can see it’s not working. Have you ever thought that maybe you should just stop doing what isn’t working and try something else?”

The power of her words ripped through my soul like lightning through a dark night sky because I knew…

She was right.

And at that moment, I had two choices.

Keep acting like what I was doing was working, or find a new way.

So I decided to find a new way. I hired multiple industry coaches to show me how to launch a digital business and I’ve never looked back.

Thank God for the innocent voice of a child.

I’m sure you can relate

It took me 5 years to figure this thing out and 3 more years to perfect it.

And the crazy part is…I could have gotten there faster if I had just partnered with coaches that knew what they were doing.

As a matter of fact, if I could go back and do this again, that’s the first thing I would do…Get a coach.

After that, I went from 10 - 12 hour days to 6 hour days and onboarded 35 - 40 new high paying clients month after month

Which gave me the freedom to…

Take my family on 30 day European Vacations, volunteer in my church, go to brunch with my friends and go boating on the weekends in the Gulf.

And I want this for you too!

I Put This Entire System Into A Book Called, “The Ultimate Digital Product Playbook” And You Can Start Reading It Now…


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