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How To Get Your Lead
Magnet Into Aweber

PRO TIP: 2X your listening speed on all videos
1. Watch the video and execute
If your lead magnet size is too large for Aweber to hold...
Host your lead magnet in google drive (see above video)
You can do this by:
1. Open up an account in
2. Click on New and File Upload
3. It will give you the choice of choosing the pdf that you want to upload.
4. Highlight the file that you just uploaded.. don't open it.. just highlight it
5. Click on the person with the + sign beside them in the upper right hand menu
You will see this.
confirm that anyone on the internet with this link can view.. NOT edit.
6. Copy Link
7. Paste it in your welcome email for your new subscribers to access.
8. Don't forget to tell them that they need to download this document and save it for further access. ==> if you truly create a lead magnet that is offered incredible value… They will want to keep it for later referencing.
BOOM! just like that! you are good to go!