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Setting Up Your Page (updated June 2023)

This is where you'll begin to set up your professional business page to take your business to the next level with "real" sponsored posting strategies.
If you already have a business page, you have a choice. Keep it or start a new one.
Here's how to decide what is best for you.
If your page allows someone to decide if they want to join your business or buy a product based on what you posted... you're going to need to scrub it.
if you have too much to scrub, then either..
1. Take the time to make it happen.
2. Hire a teen to make it happen
3. Start a new page
IF you have a lot of likes on your page and the likes are your who, then you're going to want to scrub it to keep the likes. If your who is not on you page and you have a lot of likes and a lot of posts to scrub, then start a new one.
just ask yourself questions to determine how much energy you should spend on this project and what value the energy spend will bring to you on this journey.
The decision is yours.
1. Watch the video
2. Download Additional Page Pointers
3. Set up your business page
if your personal name doesn't work, then choose something close to your personal name. Such as your first and middle name. Your first and middle initial. Your first and maiden name. Your Middle and last name. you get the idea.
Once you get one that is accepted, you can usually begin to migrate from where you are to where you want to be as long as it isn't a huge change.
There have been some adjustments in the world of Facebook..
1. You cannot create a user name until you have 25 likes and 1 post created. So get your friends to come over to help you out. After you launch your first ad (later in this module) and you get more likes/follows on your page, you can always remove those 25 friends (if that is something you want to do)
2. Sometimes Facebook won't take your real name as an option. Here's a couple of ways to navigate this.
Choose your first name and middle name.
Your first name and maiden name.
Be creative.
What's the perfect solution? There probably isn't one… But this is where the ask method comes into place and I want you to begin to ask yourself what names can you create for yourself that you're willing to stand by long-term and that Facebook will accept. Don't be afraid to begin testing things out. If you choose a name that closely reflects your original name then 10 days to a month down the road you should be able to adjust it to the name that you actually preferred.
Don't overthink this..
Please use this link to add the button to your page. And this link to edit