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Create Thank You Video Pointers

Just because someone opted-into for your magnet, doesn’t mean that they know, like or trust you.  In fact, the work is just starting when they opt-in to your great offer.


The thank you page is the first chance you must confirm to your new lead that they have made a good decision. This page they see after entering their name and an e-mail will either confirm their decision or cause them to immediately regret signing up.


From your landing page, thank you page, and e-mails, every piece of your  funnel needs to be designed to increase their know, like and trust factor of who you are and the value you bring to their lives.


For this reason, it’s highly recommended you don’t start selling at this point. .


This page holds what is sometimes referred to as a "Thank You"


Treat this page as a place to show gratitude, connect further with their pain (empathy), and reassure them that you have been there too, by telling your story.

Keep it short!

It's a place to build excitement about what they have coming to them in their inbox and it's a place to offer your next call to action; which is to get on a call with you.

If your who is still with you at this point.. they are super curious about what you are offering... You have caught their attention.

and this video is where you get to invite them to take a step further to book that call with you to chat.


And it all starts with a thank you page that’s optimized for your leads to feel like they have a chance to get to know you a little bit better and this will encourage them to not only book a call with you, but it will also assure them that showing up on the call is definitely something that they want to do.


Here's a simple "basic" script to give you an idea of what this is about.

Hi and congratulations on getting your XYZ. Now look if you're just curious about how you can ABC then go ahead and grab the guide called " name the guide" but if you're serious about starting a business and you don't want to waste any more time and you're sitting there thinking, "If I just had someone I could talk to and ask my questions to..." then here's your next steps.

Click on the orange button below. Go to the next page and fill out the application to see if you qualify to talk to someone on my team.

Once you fill out the application, go ahead and book on our calendar a time that works best for you.

Our spaces are limited because we personally work with a small group of leaders to make sure you get the breakthrough that you need.

if you're serious about upgrading your life, click the button, fill out the app and you'll hear back from my team.

I'll see you on the next page.

please don't copy this script.. that's plagiarism.. But DO put into your own words.


1. Record your thank you video horizontal not vertical. Make sure there is good lighting on your face, it's quiet around you and that your background isn't distracting.