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How To Get Your Emails
Into Your Prospects Inbox

PRO TIP: 2X your listening speed on all videos


1. Watch the video

2. Go here in Aweber to read about the new email regulations. You will add the records from Aweber into Cloudflare.

3. Go here in GoDaddy to read about how to finish setting up your personalized email.  Do NOT go down too far of a rabbit hole with GoDaddy's training.

* Make sure you have an email address
* Set up your new email address with your device.

Keep it simple. You can always call them to get your questions answered.

4. Finish setting up your personalized email inside of Aweber so it complies with the new regulations by going back to this link HERE and following step 2 and step 3.

If you have any questions, feel free to call Aweber for extra help.